system for entities and institutional investors.
Utilize our professional platform to run your in-house trading algos or the proprietary trade signals provided through our iFT Data Service.
GET STARTEDExecute algorithmic investment programs directly into your brokerage account with our cloud-based digital trading platform.
Read MoreUtilize our Data Service and its proprietary trade signals and data for intra-day trading of equity securities.
Read MoreUtilize your own in-house algorithms and data for trading and investment thru the iFT Trading Platform.
Read MoreiFinancial Technologies is a trading service provider for entities and institutional investors who seek to run automated trading programs executed directly into their own brokerage account.
Through the iFT Platform, users can execute their own trading algorithms or the trades provide by the iFT Data Service. Platform usage is granted by annual license. The Data Service is billed on a by-weekly basis with all fees suspended until minimum performance thresholds are met each week.
Trade automation and execution doesn't get any easier than this!
Hosted cloud servers maintain our platform's uptime 24/7.
High-performance servers providing lighting quick executions.
Each client account is run from an independent VM.
That connect the iFT Platform to client’s brokerage account.
Data traffic from iFT and client accounts is encrypted end-to-end.
We utilize Smart Routing technology for order processing.
Discover the many iFinTech Digital Platform Services and related solutions.
Our proprietary algorithm for intra-day order executions of tradable securities.
Read MoreOur proprietary algorithm for securities selection used to identify qualified trades.
Read MoreLearn more about iFinTech’s trading services and data solutions by clicking the link below.
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